mindfulness missing

What does the 8 week MBSR course involve?

The 8 week course draws on the approaches of both Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Teasdale et al’s Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy. It is an approach to handling the usual stresses and sometimes more severe life challenges of life by bringing our full awareness to the present moment, thereby enabling more choices.

Courses are taught in groups of up to 16 people, by a teacher who has qualified via a recognised and accredited mindfulness training programme, and who has an on-going mindfulness practice. The course consists of 8 sessions of two and a quarter hours, each building on the last. The meetings will include various mindful practices (some involving sitting on a chair or cushion, lying down or gentle movement). The group is then invited to discuss what is happening to them in the present moment – sensations of the body, thoughts in the mind, feelings and emotions.

It is worth noting that this is not a therapy session as such, so individuals do not discuss details of what is happening in their lives, or get involved in story telling. Rather experience of practice is shared within the group, with discussion of how to use mindfulness practice in daily life.

To get the best from the course participants are required to commit to some home practice of around 45 minutes daily. CDs are provided to support this practice, and participants report that this is most worthwhile. Full instructions will be given by your facilitator.

You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf

Jon Kabat-Zinn

MBSR Course Content

  • Group Orientation Session
  • 8 Weekly Classes @ 2.15 hours – practice, mindful movement, mindfulness of daily activities, inquiry, and group discussion
  • Home Practice
  • Handouts and Mindfulness meditation CDs
  • Facilitator support – phone or email


Your Commitment

M indfulness is simple but not easy. As with learning any new skill, practice is an essential factor in making progress.  If you want to get the best from the course, it is recommended that you accept the commitment to home practice of around 45 minutes per day. The paradox of finding this time for yourself within the constraints of a stressful busy life will be addressed in the course, but it is important that you consider how you will fit this into your life.

Participants on the course who have maintained this commitment report very positive changes in their lives. During the course, support will be offered via email or telephone. However,MBSR is not a form of counseling and should not be viewed as such. Instead, the course aims to furnish you with the tools to independently manage your life yourself. Tools for the Life you choose to lead.

Who is the MBSR Course for?

M ost people will benefit from this course as we all experience ups and downs in life, and will benefit from the skills to manage these better. Some people come because of specific mental or physical difficulties, others because they just want to improve their emotional and mental resilience and others come for professional reasons as a first step toward learning to use the approach to help others. Whatever the reasons, it is important that everyone participate fully as themselves and not as an observer. The group itself will not qualify you to teach mindfulness.

However, it is important to mention who the course is not appropriate for. People who are currently suffering an episode of clinical depression or a psychiatric illness should wait until such time as their symptoms have abated and they have consulted with their doctor. Equally, it is requested that people do not attend under the influence of alcohol or drugs (except prescribed medication)

Support during the Course

TThe course should be a helpful space, but sometimes working within a group with our issues can bring up painful feelings. Should this occur and you need to discuss this, your teacher will be available by email or phone call, and it is important that you use this resource rather than just staying away, or struggling alone. It is very possible that uncomfortable feelings may surface, and while the teacher will not offer therapeutic advice as such, s/he will be available to help. Alternatively, it can be helpful to ask a family member, friend or if you have one your own therapist to be available for personal support throughout the course.


The complete course costs just £180 for the full 8 week course. An £80 deposit will secure your place on the course. If you are not sure the course is right for you then try one of my seminars for just £10 where I will explain the benefits and practicalities of practising mindfulness and I will answer any questions you have about the full MBSR course.