6 Examples of Small Waiting Times

Avoid Stress and Impatience by taking advantage of small waiting times:

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  • When the computer is slow to connect
  • When the kettle seems to take an age to boil
  • When you are kept on hold on the phone
  • When waiting for a petrol pump to become free
  • When waiting in a long supermarket queue
  • Or a traffic jam


Take the opportunity to tune in to the body, check out the sensations, the feelings and thoughts, and breathe in and out. Observe thoughts flitter across your mind like clouds with curiosity and wonder at this marvelous life.

 Break the habit of going straight to your mobile phone to check for texts, emails and messages when there are some waiting moments. You don’t have to be on call and available 24 hours per day. Observe what it feels like to just let it be.

 “we are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world”

Jack Kornfield

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